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Jim Benson

Jim Benson

Focus: Getting the right things done at the right time with the least stress.

Jim Says:

I want us all to be truly effective - not because I want us to have money or power or get "things" done - but because I want us to get the right things done. I want work and life to matter. When I work with others I want them to feel the passion and excitement of finishing something I do. We get ourselves focused on metrics and numbers and lose sight of professionalism and care. When we do that, we stop communicating. Work becomes about meetings and money and not about success ... real success. With Personal Kanban or Lean Coffee or our other tools, Toni and I are taking a lifetime of experiences to create systems that help people achieve - and nothing is better than that.

Tonianne DeMaria

Tonianne DeMaria

Focus: Creating healthy environments where people thrive and value is realized.

Toni Says:

People should feel their work is valued - that THEY are valued. A Post-it on my monitor reminds me why Jim and I do what we do. It’s from a client who implored, “Please. Help me justify my existence to my boss.” Not a day goes by that I’m not in equal measure haunted and yet driven by this plea. With our toolkit, our once-tacit workload - backlog, priorities, capacity, effort - is made explicit. We gain clarity over our options, feedback from our actions, and unassailable recognition when value's created. Creating workplaces that are more humanistic than mechanistic, where those creating value ARE valued - is a step towards creating a virtuous cycle. For the employee. The organization. For society as a whole.  

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